what is a feedback looper?

Started by nordine, July 09, 2005, 12:24:43 PM

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hi there,

a question that always bugged me, but never get to know

what is it?



"Feedback loop" in itself can refer to a few things, but basically its anything that sends all or part of an output signal back to the input.  Think of microphone feedback-  same basic idea.  Many distortion circuits make use of diodes in a feedback loop for clipping.

As far as a feedback looper pedal goes, it's just a passive pedal wired to do exactly that... it sends the output from a pedal back upon itself, with a pot to set how much of the signal is "looped".

Hope that helps!


i see

so is it possible to do this loop thing IN a pedal, i mean inside?




Colin does that like... ALL the time. Word up. I did it once with a Rocktek overdrive, but I forgot to add a pot.  :oops:  LoL, maybe I'll get around to fixing that.



Colin does that like... ALL the time. Word up.

LOL... he does indeed.  Let's drop a link to his site!  //www.experimentalistsanonymous.com


Technically, can it be an all passive schematic ?

Does anybody have a schematic for a feedback pedal ?
The best french bass-related forum : http://forum.onlybass.com
A french DIY forum : http://www.techniguitare.com/forum
My work (stille only in french, sorry ! ) : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jumping-jack/atelier/atelier.html


I think I already answered your first q quite blatantly in a previous post, and the second is easily taken care of with a search of this forum or Colin's forum.  There's a TON of info on his board about these things, everything you could ever hope to ask has been explained painfully well.  Here's the link again if you didnt read: //www.experimentalistsanonymous.com

sean k

If you go here
and build the T.M.K. you'll get a good idea about the uses of feedback!
Monkey see, monkey do.


Well, I thought a resistor at the entrance could ruin the tone, but I'll try this, it may be interesting !

Thanks !
The best french bass-related forum : http://forum.onlybass.com
A french DIY forum : http://www.techniguitare.com/forum
My work (stille only in french, sorry ! ) : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jumping-jack/atelier/atelier.html