FF pnp positive ground with a 3pdt switch and LED?

Started by MarkDonMel, July 10, 2005, 05:50:02 PM

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Hey all,

I haven't been on this board forever.  I am very glad to see that it is still going strong and that GGG and smallbear have grown as well.  

I recently, after over a year, got back to trying to build a stompbox.  I have built 2 FF's both the pnp pos ground versions from ggg.  

This time, I tried to build a FF with the 3pdt switch and led.  I didn't even notice (I'm still a newbie) that I was building a negative ground version until I was almost done haha.

Any ways, the box i just built doesn't work at all.  I can get a clean sound through it, but when i turn the pedal on, no sound going through it whatsoever.

I'm kind of fed up with messing with it and trying to get it to work, so I salvaged some components from it, and now I am focused on a pnp positive ground I built a while back that works really good.  I have been using it for a while.

My question is....

** Can I somehow cut in an LED into that pnp pos grnd FF with the regular switch, or cut in both the 3pdt switch and the LED???

I can only put these pedals together with the "paint by numbers" wiring diagrams from ggg, so any help would have to be slow slow steps.  

I'm not asking anyone to put forth extra effort to help me at all, I'm just saying, technical speak will probably be way over my head.  

For instance, cutting in a 3pdt swith into a FF circuit with a regular switch would require me to know where to put what wires on which switch terminals, etc.  and where to wire in the LED.

Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance if anyone feels like helping me out.

Ipso Facto


Ipso Facto


It's easier to look at wiring diagrams and picture the flow but...
 True bypass with DPDT [six lugs]
  1   4   .9
  2   5   .8
  3   6   .7
 1 goes to circuit input
 2 goes to input jack
 3 and 6 tie together
 5 goes to output jack
  Using a 3PDT and wiring lugs 1-6 for true bypass as shown, connect 9 to ground, 8 to the LED>LED resistor> then to V+
 LUG 1, 2, and 3 are the 'same as' 4, 5, and 6...same as 7, 8, and 9...each of these lugs correspond to the three SPDT switches that are simultaneously, yet separately switched.
 Lug 2, connects to lug 1 or lug 3, depending on switch position
 Lug 5 connects to lug 4 or lug 5 depending
 Lug 8 connects to lug 8 or lug 9 depending on switch position.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.



Thank you so much.  I am going to sit down and rewire that tomorrow evening when I get home from work.

I noticed some differences in the numbers than what I had... I think I may be confused.   With the same orientation, on my six pic switch the following:

1 to input jack tip and jumpered to 6

2 to C1 (2.2uf cap)

3 is ground I think

4 to the center pin on the 500k log pot (volume)

5 To tip on mono output jack

6 is jumpered to 1

Should I just leave all this the way it is and hook up the LED>LED resistor> to positive 9v  on pins 8 and 9?  Do i need to jump 7 to something?

Thanks again man,  I sooo appreciate the help.

Ipso Facto


Schematics show/tell all.
 I tend to think you're typing about the 'alternative' DPDT wiring method...the one used for Mil Bypass.
 One thing that's good to do at least once is use the DMM to see what goes through where on switch types, in 'both' positions.
 A dpdt has like 2 'rows' of SPDT, simultaneously activated.  Use the DMM all over it, hit it, repeat, take notes...
 A 3PDT is a DPDT with and extra 'row' [another SPDT simultaneously activated]. These 3PDT's make it quite easy to wire an Indicator LED.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.