How to add a 1M resistor to a Vox847 wah pedal?

Started by ictaros, July 20, 2005, 05:28:00 AM

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Hi guys

I know this question has been answered before but I don't seem to understand what has been say. Pardon my ignorance, quite bad at mechanical terms. I've read and done my research and I've come to understand that it should go between the inputs and the ground. However, I'm not sure where the inputs / ground are?

Does the input refer to the metal jacks where the input cable
plugs into the wah pedal? And do I have to solder the other end of the
resistor on the ground itself? The bottom of the chasis itself? I've attached 2 pics and I hope you can point them out to me! Thanks, I really
apprieciate your help. Hope to hear from you soon.





I think you're referring to 'pull down resistors' which keep DC Blocking caps at the input and output from storing a charge by bleeding enough of it off/not enough so that it'll influence the tone.
 These resistors are shown on numerous [especailly 'modern' schematics] schematics, for an input PDR, install ~ 1m resistor to the 'left side' [just outside the 'circuit] of the input capacitor and to ground.  
 Check out a buncha schematics and you'll see 1m pulldown resistors implemented in the same fashion, on many of them.
 Heres an EX of a pulldown resistor just before the input cap
 I've been know to stikum right to the switch, because it may be easier to get to and cypher the correct placement....slightly 'dangly' that way though. Since I often change circuits in a box, having the pulldowns on the switch I can solder [input/output connections] to the lead of the pulldown R instead of the switch lug.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Thanks for the links. Does anyone has a clearer picture of how to install a pull down resistor? e.g where does both ends of the resistor go? One to the input cap and the other to the grd? What does ground refer to? The bottom of the chasis of the wah pedal?

Pardon my ignorance and thanks for the help.


Connect a DMM lead to the battery clip _ connection [the larger 'outside' one], of the wah [check the battery and make sure you connect the DMM to the Bclip on the side the battery negative post goes in]./
 set teh DMM to 'beep' continuity mode, anywhere you touch the other lead and hear beep is ground, like a sleeve lug of on the jacks.
 You may find a resistor lead that is ground, that is close to where you want to connect to ground.
 You can cool the resistor lead with cool solder as you heat it with the tin it without loosening the underside trace connection, then tin a lead or wire, heat it first and solder it to the tinned portion of the resistor lead above board.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I have 2 white wires on my Vox 847 input. One to the PCB and one to the dpdt switch for true bypass.

Where should I solder the 1m pull down resistor? On the one going to the dpdt switch or the one going to the PCB?