positive ground rangemaster question

Started by 23, June 03, 2008, 04:29:51 PM

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i built a positive ground rangemaster w/ an OC 71 tranny.. here s the layout


hooked the battery up and blew the pot, sparks, smoke, fire etc... I did have the wire from lug2 laying across lug1 but it was the insulated part...so?

i was wondering if the jumper going from the collector of the tranny needs a resistor to stop the pot from sparking? and if anywhere else needs a resistor?
also if its needed what value?

thanks for advice.... scott
put it together, now take it apart


ok, 3k3 would work to lower the voltage to the pot all I need to know is if the jumper going to the pot needs to be replaced with a resistor or not? or Did i just screw this up with the wire across the lug or was it possible it was a bad pot....

common some help please?
put it together, now take it apart