question on an original dallas fuzz face?

Started by formerMember1, July 22, 2005, 05:45:12 PM

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In a music store near me, they have a blue fuzzface.  The case is pretty tall.  It says in the smile DALLAS MUSIC ___________.
i can't remember the last word.  i think it said industries.  
The guy told me how it was from the year 69 or 70.  he wanted 300$.

so i plugged it into a tube marshall with a strat.

Wanna know what happened?  Well it TOTALLY sucked.  Something was really wrong with it.  The pedal cleaned up via the volume knob at 5.  It was really muddy and bassy sounding.  I thought it was going to sound good.
So when the guy asked if i wanted it, I said no.  He looked at me and laughed.  I had him check the computer for the year they got it in stock.
And here he made a mistake.  It was NOT  a 69 or 70 year model but a 76 year model.  And they had it in stock trying to sell it since early 2001.
I  believe it was silicon.   It didn't have the carbon composite resistors.  it had carbon film.  The black rubber front wasn't held on by anything.  it was just laying on it.  And there was ploy urethane over the decals on the pedal.  The ply turned the pedal green in those areas since it was aged.

My reason for post is:
Anybody know what it is worth approx?
Can it be made to sound good?
Was it really good and i just suck or something?
Are these from that year have a good or bad rep?



yeah i was just reading that.  by i emailed analog mike for some expertise.

thanks though. :D


Can it be made to sound good?
 lol..depends on what it depends on ...
 or link above to 'technology of' then Fuzz Face.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


thanks , but i know about the geofx techof fuzz article, that is how i rebuilt my dunlop fuzz.  i meant what is the point of having a vintage fuzzface at such an expensive price, only to rebuild circuit to get it to sound good and keep nothing but the enclosure original?
thanks for the help though dude 8)


what is the point of having a vintage fuzzface at such an expensive price, only to rebuild circuit to get it to sound good and keep nothing but the enclosure original?
 Aesthetics I guess
 Axis Face does it for me, with just a tad more high end rolloff.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

brian wenz

Hello Hello--
 Yeah, you can build a better sounding Fuzz Face yourself for $20 or-so.  I do like the original shells, though!
 Sometimes you can find an empty shell [the Dunlop ones show up occasionally...]