Tremulus Lune AUX LFO mod

Started by BAM, July 27, 2005, 12:42:20 AM

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I was going to add this to my tremulus lune im building, but is it worth it? Does it really have that great of an effect? I havent really heard it, the clips ive heard dont sound that great and distinct. Anybody have any clips or go into detail into what it actually does?


its a great mod to a fantastic pedal...VERY unique...(no clips im afraid)setting one fast and the other slow, leaves just what you hear with a single LFO, but now THAT sound trems/ fades in and it for every one? probably not. i cannot imagine it terribly useful in a 'standard' live band situation, as it is hard to quickly and predictably set them to work together (unless one of them is fast enough that it dosent matter).....but for a less restrictive (rythmicly<--?? speaking) situation, its a blast, and you can always zero the aux depth (back to one effect-ive LFO)...................................enjoy


If you haven't tried it, the ramp up/ramp down mod is very cool and also actually useful.