Where do I connect the side of a pot not being used?

Started by tone_crafter, July 26, 2005, 05:46:46 AM

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If Im using a pot as a variable reistor do I need to connect the terminal of the pot not being used to something? I have been told by some to connect it to ground and by others to connect it the centre pin (moving point). Or can I just leave it connected to nothing.


You only "need" to use one outside lug and the wiper ( middle lug )
for a variable resistor.
If a circuit calls for you to ground an outside lug, then do that.
I've been told that it is better to connect the now "spare" lug to the wiper
just so that if the pot goes "bad" you dont have it "floating" and causing
any problems in the circuit/howling full volume etc.

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Well, when it's a trimpot, having three legs held down considerably reduces any 'movement' from adjusment pressures.
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I think you should always short out the unused side of a pot to the wiper.  Otherwise it's just like having a resistor soldered into you circuit on one end with the other sticking up in the air.  Can be a little antenna type thing like that.

I like ham, and jam, and spam alot

Paul Marossy

I like to solder that unused lug to the wiper.


Quote from: PaulCI think you should always short out the unused side of a pot to the wiper.  Otherwise it's just like having a resistor soldered into you circuit on one end with the other sticking up in the air.  Can be a little antenna type thing like that.


Er, not quite - the track is tiny and likely shielded by the pot case which is grounded to the case.  Solder the unused lug it to the wiper, because if the wiper of the pot (or other lug) fails/goes open, then you still have a connection and the circuit will actually work.  Otherwise, imagine if the pot controls the gain of an opamp stage, like in a Tubescreamer - the wiper goes open, infinite resistance = infinite gain = massive squealing and oscillation.

Whatever you do, don't connect it to ground!  Do that and you've changed your variable resistor (rheostat) into a voltage divider, and your whole circuit may or may not work.