EXP pedal with 2 pedals simultaniously?

Started by solarplexus, August 13, 2005, 11:12:56 AM

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Hi there,

I am getting a Boss PS-5 and a PAiA ring mod.  I need to have an expression pedal for both (I will mod the ring mod accordingly).  I was wondering if there is a way to feed those pedals with only one expression pedal?  I will not use each pedal at the same time as I need those for two distinct sounds.  Anyway, is it possible to do so?


DIY Poser.

Connoisseur of Distortion

use a dual ganged pot, maybe? you could hook up connections to the different sets. this is assuming that you are using the same value of pots, because very few pots are dual ganged at 2 different values.


Would it be the same value for each pedal?  I read that standard pot value for expression pedals are around 10K linear, would that work for both pedals even if the pot value is not the same in the ring mod ?
DIY Poser.

Connoisseur of Distortion

my advice would be to find the biggest dual-ganged pot you could find (perhaps a 1Meg or a 100k?) and then put resistors across the lugs of the pots until they provide the resistance you want.

if you are not familiar with this you can go to Joe Davisson's site, which is accessible from the front page of Aron's site. if you scroll down, you'll see it. then, head to his Electronics Math Helper (an *incredible* resource to the forum) and to linear tapered pots.


do I need a special dual gang pot for expression pedal (like reverse log, or something like that) or just a normal pot will do?
DIY Poser.

Connoisseur of Distortion

that depends on what taper you need...

the issue would be that you would have an uneven sweep. this can be annoying (especially in foot controlled device) but i think that you could use the other Pot calculator on Joe's site to create an audio taper that suits you (then, if you hook up the resistors backwards to what the calculator says, you'll get a reverse log pot.)

do either of your schemos call for reverse log / log pots?


The thing is that I don't have the pedals with me yet, I have ordered the kit from PAiA for the ring mod and the PS-5 from a local provider.  I will look at the site you suggested but I can't seem to find it in here.  Could you post the site ?  I will do as you say and take a dual gang pot with 1M and put resistors to match the pedals, I only have a couple of bucks to lose and if it works, I save around 30$ or more AND pedal board space (which is VERY important to me), I have so many pedals, I need to make every little space as useable as possible.
DIY Poser.

Connoisseur of Distortion

i really wish i could post the site, but it says that the site is still part of Aron's index, so i think it would just send you to his front page.


if it doesn't work, and takes you to the front page, then scroll down in the main window until you see the Analog Alchemy link. from there, the other instructions should become clear.

sorry in advance, if the link isn't helpful...

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

This shows the advantage of voltage controlled pedals, you would just split the cable & send the control voltage to both pedals!
But not a practical solution unless you are designing from the ground up.
For example, I have voltage control on my Blue Ringer ring modulator, and on the cutoff inputs of my Resonator filter box. (and the resonance controls of the filters, if it comes to that :wink: ).
Oh, you can make a voltage control source foot pedal by connecting a battery to the input of a pot type rocker volume control, but everyone knew that, right??