Well, Mr VEX, one more question about trimpots....

Started by Basile, August 24, 2005, 08:17:09 AM

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I known this is annoying.... but I have spent about 2 or 3 hours looking for the same potentimeters that M. Zacharry VEX  uses in the Seek Trem and over Seek-WAH...(perhaps it will be better to write "God VEX" but it's a little too much.. but not so far...)

I'm very interested in this particular potentiometers just for their size.... which can be very useful for making controls in commercial FX!

Well, I don't have to say that I love very much all the job of Zacharry VEX. For me, he and his companions, are people who make me really enjoy playing guitar, making and designing DIY FX! The iMPAMP is really cool and very interesting, perhpas it will be a shame to connect it to my home-made MP3 player but when I see the Blue leds "moving" with the loud of the music... what can I say... It's so beautiful... Thanks Zacharry and every one in ZVEX. EFFECTS!

Also, just one more question, what about  Leary's participation on the Fuzz Factory, may be Zacharry could tell us more about him?

The Flammable Project - a website made for DIY'ers.
Current project: The Mutron Biphase



This is extracted from the ZVEX page:
QuoteIf you want it to be a little faster turn the leftmost knob (speed) to the LEFT, and if you want it to be a little slower turn it to the RIGHT. I know, I know, all the knobs are backwards... that's because when i tried to make them go forwards they got jumpy at the rightmost position. It just sounded so much better to have them go the other way. Complain to Alpha manufacturing. They make 'em.

Then, have you tried Alpha???


i don't have find yet the Alpha website and I just want to known if it's important to use carbon or plastic potentiometer (I refers of the type of the resistive trail or track of teh potentiometer, I don't known how its real name)!

I was asking to Z. VEX to known if he could let us knwon the type of ALPHA potentiometer he uses! Also thanks to for your reply, I was not sure of the company he has choosen!

The Flammable Project - a website made for DIY'ers.
Current project: The Mutron Biphase


Try www.banzaieffects.com  He selles alfa pots and it's in Germany :)  Great service, fast shipping!


Thanks Eirik! The price is very attractive, i will look at it later...

But anyone could help me to known whichtype of ALPHA pots, Mr VEX uses?... quite strange!
The Flammable Project - a website made for DIY'ers.
Current project: The Mutron Biphase

Paul Marossy

Take a look thru the www.mouser.com catalog, it's probably in there somewhere. Or, Z. Vex has them custom manufactured...


From what he says I get the impression he's using ordinary log pots wired in reverse.  :?


I have a quite strange feeling with mouser.... well, if Zachary have custom made pots, well I will consider him as a God... well let's take another look a t Mouser....
The Flammable Project - a website made for DIY'ers.
Current project: The Mutron Biphase


Well mouser have similary pots ... ok, my feelings about mouser will change... now let's do some shopping...

See you soon and thanks for your answers....

The Flammable Project - a website made for DIY'ers.
Current project: The Mutron Biphase

Paul Marossy

Quote from: BasileWell mouser have similary pots ... ok, my feelings about mouser will change... now let's do some shopping...

See you soon and thanks for your answers....


Cool, have fun.  :wink:

zachary vex

i order my pots directly from Taiwan Alpha in about 10k quantities.  depends on the value.  many of them are custom orders (not standards sold by, say, Mouser) but it's really no difference when you're ordering direct.


"When God speaks to the crowd".... well thanks Zachary for your answer. I've made a deeper search in Mouser and I've  found what I need! So let's do some modding...Thanks for all!

See you soon, and whish you the best!

The Flammable Project - a website made for DIY'ers.
Current project: The Mutron Biphase

James P

Quote from: Basile"When God speaks to the crowd".... well thanks Zachary for your answer.


Zach makes really cool pedals and gives us loads of helpful info, but he's not a god (unless god has decided to stealthily infiltrate modern society via the 1590b sized wonder we call a stompbox!!!) I think you're mistaking him for Bill Hicks.  :wink:  :wink:

James P
If i'm not back in 5 minutes, just wait longer...


Quote from: zachary vexi order my pots directly from Taiwan Alpha in about 10k quantities.  depends on the value.  many of them are custom orders (not standards sold by, say, Mouser) but it's really no difference when you're ordering direct.

Must be awesome to have that kind of purchasing power  :cry:

we have to make do with the scraps from the component suppliers table.
Damn economics of scale.  :roll: Thank goodness for smallbear.

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Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X

Paul Marossy

Quote"Damn economics of scale."

Yeah, darn it!  :x