ot/whatis it/ java?

Started by donald stringer, September 05, 2003, 08:49:50 PM

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donald stringer

My wife claims we have java on our comp. but she couldnt explain what it is/ special comp. language? I have  found some nice sites that have freeware but to download it and useit you have to have something like java virtual machine[?] I am not exactly a comp. wiz kid[I just get along but I am looking for some kind of  software so I can learn more about chips and how they work but I need something like an easy to use program and learn how to take the knowledg into small circuits and stompbox effects[ which is the whole push of this search. Questions[ what are applets? Do I already have the necessary language on my comp. to use it? I already have express but I am looking for something pertaing to logic circuits [ic] etc. without downloading a bunch of stuff that I dont need. :?

The Tone God

Quote from: donald stringerMy wife claims we have java on our comp. but she couldnt explain what it is/ special comp. language? I have  found some nice sites that have freeware but to download it and useit you have to have something like java virtual machine[?] I am not exactly a comp. wiz kid[I just get along but I am looking for some kind of  software so I can learn more about chips and how they work but I need something like an easy to use program and learn how to take the knowledg into small circuits and stompbox effects[ which is the whole push of this search.

Ok, I'll try to explain Java in simple terms. Java is a new(er) computer programing lanugage. It has a number of improvements over other lanuages, mainly C++. One of the big improvements with it is that you only have to compile the program once and it should be able run on any platform (i.e. winblows, GNU/Linux, Solaris, SPARC, x86, etc.). This is a big deal since with other lanugages you have to talor the code for the intended platform and compile it.

The reason Java can run on all these platforms without be recompiled is because the programs are runned through the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM runs the Java program translating the commands being issue by the Java program to the appropriate commands so the OS can understand them.

Quotewhat are applets?

Applets are Java programs that are downloaded and run on your machine. These are typically download via the internet through your browser.

QuoteDo I already have the necessary language on my comp. to use it?

I can't tell you that. You have to check for yourself. If your on windblows then check you control panel settings. There should be a control panel for Java. If you do not have it you can download it from Sun. Most browsers also have Java built into them. IEs JVM has never been fully compliant. Netscape's JVM is very good and Mozilla's JVM is not bad.

There are plenty of lessons and information on the net about digital logic that you shouldn't need any software. What kind of lesson were you looking for ?


Peter Snowberg

Try going here to see some graphics examples of what you can do with Java.


It's quite fast, I'll give it that.... but it's a serious pain to program in.

Also check this out:


Read the shortcuts on the page behind the applet window for more.

Eschew paradigm obfuscation