Quickie for a beginner! Where to put cap parallel to diodes?

Started by GrantsV, September 04, 2005, 09:46:25 AM

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I read this in another thread about the Boss MT-2:

"To trim the harsh top end you can add a 47nF /not pF!/ cap in parallel with diodes. "

Do I, for example, solder one leg of the 47nf cap to the negative leg of one diode, then the other leg of 47nf cap to the neg leg of the other diode??

Thanks for your advice,


Yep, that's correct. Also you can try other cap values to suit to your taste.


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No, the cap has to be parallel so you have to put it parallel with the diodes by soldering one leg to the neg side of the diode and the other leg to the pos side of the diode.

For example, check the Tubescreamer schematic; the 51 pf is parallel to the diodes.
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Quote from: BernardduurNo, the cap has to be parallel so you have to put it parallel with the diodes by soldering one leg to the neg side of the diode and the other leg to the pos side of the diode.

It's the same thing, connect the cap to the positive and negative legs of the SAME diode, or between the negative legs of the TWO diodes... at least assuming that diodes are in opposite directions as usual


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