TS9 to TS9DX mod tips ?

Started by wui223, September 29, 2005, 07:45:52 PM

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I have searched through the forum but couldnt find a detail info. Basically i want to know the parts used in every mode:+,Hot, Turbo.
And the way to wire the rotary switch and which rotary switch ( ? poles ? throw ) Thanks alot


Just my 2 cents,  ;)

I have a TS9DX and i don't like it compared to the normal TS9 mode.  But, i heard great reviews about analogman modifying the TS9Dx's extra settings to sound good.

but, in some cases(though few and far between) you may want that extra bass.  Again very rarely.

sorry i don't know about building that part.  ???


Here we are ;)

What is the Tubo Tube Screamer?

From Dai Hirokawa:

"TS9"(Normal) mode(for comparison): .047uF mylar w/two small signal Si diodes
"+" mode: 0.22uF polarized electrolytic w/four small signal Si diodes--two for the top of the waveform, two for bottom (these look the same as the ones used for the normal setting)
"Hot" mode: 1uF polarized electrolytic w/pair of LEDs(w/a 470k in parallel w/the LEDs)
"Turbo" mode: 2.2uF polarized electrolytic w/no diodes(seemed odd but it does look open)
-the 4.7k and 51k are unchanged for all modes


Great thanks. Now , how am i gonna to wire the rotary switch like the stock TS9DX ?