Need something to do with a pot on TB/FB box

Started by britt-stinker, October 29, 2005, 04:10:47 PM

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Hi all I made a truebypass/feedback loop box with a blend circuit in it, but It didn't work out as I wanted it to. So now I have a free pot on the box that I need to use for something, but what?
The only other thing I could think of was a tone pot or a volume pot(thoug I tried this on another but it just caused a voulme drop).
Anyone have any ideas?

Also I have noticed that when the pedal is turned off and the toglle is in the feedback position, the clean sound is totally muted. Why does this happen? My last feedback loop did the same thing. Can anything be done?

Marcos - Munky


Quote from: Marcos - Munky on October 30, 2005, 04:08:00 PM

That was what I originally build. it's a blender circuit with a feedback loop but the feedback loop didn't work.
And it sounded like there was a volume drop when the pot was at 50/50.

The one theres in my pedal now is this: