modding overdrive guitar pedals for bass use

Started by doom town, December 13, 2005, 02:32:52 PM

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doom town

any tips on how to do that? i know i could get a bass paralooper and use it with whatever guitar pedal i want, but I want to know the best way to actually mod an overdrive such as a marshall drivemaster, or a boss od-3 and compensate the low-end loss.


Read about how I tailored a Bazz Fuss using a Big Muff tone control in This Thread.

Also search the forum for "bass distortion" or "bass overdrive" or similar for more geveral advice.

-- T. G. --
"A man works hard all week to keep his pants off all weekend." - Captain Eugene Harold "Armor Abs" Krabs


mixing in a boosted clean signal with a slightly over driven one sounds the best to me. ala voodoo labs sparkledrive.

in/out caps should be made larger to start.

homegrown, family raised couch potatoes. temperament unsurpassed.


Yes, I agree on mixing clean sound for low end or increasing the caps.....

Otherwise, build a flipster; a very good bass OD
Am learning something new every day here

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