a few questions about the PT-80

Started by Marcos - Munky, November 30, 2005, 09:38:24 PM

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Marcos - Munky

Has anybody used a J201 instead of the 2N5485? How it sounds? Also, will I get noise if I use a MAX1044 for the power supply?


the transistor in question is part of the "milennium" style bypass implimented. i opted for a 3PDT style bypass, so i cant answer that one. i  just completed this build 2 weeks ago, and LOVE the sound. tried it on 9VDC; liked it better w/12VDC. I used the MAX1044 in this[and most of my other effects] and have never experienced any whine/noise problems. just hook pins 1 and 8 together. word of caution: the thing eats batteries. you can here the delayed sound "splatter" as they lose their juice. i built mine for use with a power supply;so i never have to worry about this. a niceboard is available from GGG and is a real timesaver. go and build one you'll be happy you did.


...happy solder sniffing...[just kidding. use ventilation.]   MAX1044 about $3. increased headroom: priceless.

Marcos - Munky

I have a almost finished board for it, just need the 2N5485 and the offboard wirings. I have a few MAX1044 too, so I just need to build a "power module" to use with my power supply. I will finish it soon, just need to know if I can use the J201 instead of the 2N5485.


look at the schematic. there is a note that states: use 2N5485 for standard LED; use J201 for super bright LED. my guess is that you need the J201 for the super bright LED so it can source more current. check out the millenium bypass articles at GEO. i think this will clarify things 4u. or just go with a 3PDT setup. aron has these switches on this website. VERY reasonably priced too.


...the sound resounds around the icy waters underground...

Marcos - Munky

Thanks. To tell the truth, I never opened the schematic file, I just use the layout file. Then a J201 will do the job, since I'm planning to use a super bright LED in it. Now it's time to solder a little :P.


you're welcome. glad to help...


public service message: aleays read all the instructions.[I learned this the hard way...]