3pdt switches... how does the wiring work?

Started by hangwire, December 13, 2005, 12:46:36 PM

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do you look at it with the poles being horizontal, or vertical?  do you heat the pole with the wire and tehn solder, or just loop teh wire through and solder?


The poles are the columns of lugs with the holes aligned with each other. 

When possible, it's good to get a mechanical connection with the wire wrapped around the lug before soldering.

That's not always possible (usually is with a wah switch, usually isn't with a 3PDT pedal switch).  So then tin the wire and solder the hole in the solder lug, and then push the wire into the soldered hole.  Leave some strain relief in each wire, and if you really worry about the connections then use a small cable tie to hold the wires in place so that the wires won't pull at the soldered connection.  But that's not usually necessary.

What does this button do?



Please read this thread in the beginners forum. There are pictures too.


Please read the DIY FAQ link above as there are links to this as well.

There is also a FAQ forum and there's a search forum above that you can search the forum with as well.

Good luck and welcome!




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and it works:

top middle

middle bottom

with an off/on footswitch?


Please read this thread, and after you read it, if you have questions about how the thread explained things, then please tell me so I can improve it.


It directly addresses your question - with pictures. The first pictures explain how the switches work.