Just wanted to say THANK YOU!!

Started by theundeadelvis, December 18, 2005, 12:22:41 PM

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This forum is unbelievable! I was up until 4am researching question after question and rarely not finding the answer I needed. This resource is invaluable for newbies and veteran builders alike! And to be able to almost instantly recieve feedback from the likes of Aron, Mark Hammer, and RG Keen is like being able to call Bill Gates at home and ask him why my Windows XP keeps giving me a certain error message (except these guys almost always have a good answer). Thanks to all those amazing minds that are so eager to help with each and every problem! You guys KICK A**!! ;D
If it ain't broke...   ...it will be soon.


I agree, this is a great froum. Besides the guys who are clearly leading inovators in this field, there are at least 1000 other members, some fairly new, adding value to the effects I build - all the time. Thanks!

I think the best way to thank people here is to politely contribute with mods you come up with, verifying other's designs/layouts, and answering questions without ragging on/insulting people about one thing or another. A vast majority of posts here are really helpful and informative - you just don't see that most places on the WWW - making this forum pretty special. 


QuoteI think the best way to thank people here is to politely contribute with mods you come up with, verifying other's designs/layouts, and answering questions without ragging on/insulting people about one thing or another. A vast majority of posts here are really helpful and informative - you just don't see that most places on the WWW - making this forum pretty special.

There it is! YEAH!!!!!

Nice post!

Mark Hammer

They say the truth hurts, but in this instance the truth just warms the %^&*les of your heart.

So, make that a transcontinental YEAH!!


I personally have been on these forums since 95.....it really makes a different hobby when all these cool people are just a click away...I have designed some pedals built and sold many fuzzes now just play and screw around a little but I always think it is so cool to put together a layout have it work and know YOU did it ( with a little help from the forum)...It has come a long way in ten years!!!!
practice cause time does not stop...

Peter Snowberg

Eschew paradigm obfuscation