ROG supreaux...anyone?

Started by vacuumdust, December 17, 2005, 07:01:57 PM

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i'm thinking of building this circuit...seems like a cool idea.  anyone have any tips/changes/experiences with it?  just so i'm clear, a 4n7 cap is .047mfd...10n is .1mfd ? the rog site is the only place i've seen an 'n' used in labelling cap values. 

Mark Hammer

You're off by a decimal point. 

4n7  = 4700pf = .0047uf

10n = .01uf = 10,000pf

PB Wilson

I believe the Runoffgroove guys use 'n' to make it easy to label their layouts. At least that's what I think they said.

I made a Supreaux a while back for a friend and I liked what I heard for the day that I had it in my possession. It has a unique sound and lots of high end. I'm thinking of making another someday soon.


I built the Supreaux and combined it in one box with the Professor Tweed. If I'm just playing straight blues or rock through a transistor amp (with reverb), it's all I need for rhythm / solo switching. Sounds great.

I have plans for a SS MOSFET 'valve sound' amp build in the new year, and I intend to use the Supreaux as the front end.