Sorry for all the noob questions but...

Started by superjoe, January 10, 2006, 09:00:06 PM

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i JUST got the cicuit board finished, now I need a wiring diagram for a 3PDT switch and an LED (no ac adapter jack). Also, if something is postive grounded, like this one, do you have to wire it differently? thanks.



Your exact question is answered there. You're wasting your own time not to mention the time of everyone who reads the post.

I suppose this came off as harsh, I guess it was meant to, but it is common net courtesy to check the FAQ first.

If after reading the FAQ (and using the Search function) you still have a question, ask away. There are a great bunch of people here, all willing to help, but you should do at least some of the work yourself.

BTW, welcome to the club.  :icon_biggrin:


sorry...i found what i was looking for...just reverse the battery snap leads.