How to build a AC power supply?

Started by ejbasses, January 17, 2006, 10:40:14 AM

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How do I build an AC power supply?

I have an Whammy 4 with no AC PSU and i waws wondering how do i go about building a PSU for pedals that need an AC input.
Is an AC adapter just a transformer that steps down the voltage and then just feed into the pedal?

Four Strings To Rule Them All And In The Darkness Bind Them




Can the measured voltage from the transformer be off to a certain degree? say 10% ?

Four Strings To Rule Them All And In The Darkness Bind Them



Dont know if your pedal is Digitech Whammy

I found this info from DIgitech pages, pwr supply specs


output: 9VAC 1300mA
polarity: N/A (AC output)

I believe you could substitute it with similar ready made ac supply, I think best you could do you can buy those ready made ones cheaper than parts connectors and cable transformer and suitable box and all small parts. I would not bother in building such supply for gigging or band use, it is not easy to build safe and reliable box without much time and money, more than you spend for ready made unit.

What I think that output voltage is "nominal" and without any load it will be little more. The smallest ones (tens or two or three hundred milliamps) do give quite much voltage with no load but drops soon as it is loaded but this kind of 1,3 A is not such animal