Anyone come across a really good leslie effect ?

Started by glweid, February 03, 2006, 11:41:38 AM

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Just wondering if there is a very good build out there with ramp up/down and rotation adjustments for horn and speaker and hopefully a little distortion like a Leslie did.

I see Boss has the RT-2 coming out and H&K has a pricey one as well.

Let me know if you know of one

Thanks !

Mark Hammer

The Roto-Machine from Line 6 is very reasonably priced for what it does.  You can look for recent threads about it, and see if the comments persuade you in one direction or another.


I hadn't heard of the Boss RT-20 before.  A lot more money, but it sure sounds cool.
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I've got a Korg G4 that is very versatile and I like it a lot. Separate speeds for horn & drum. 2 presets for speeds with ramp up & down when switched. Balance knob to adjust horn/drum mix. Mic placement adjust for intensity. Stereo separation adjust or mono mode. Switchable drive to give the distortion you're talking about. There is some high freq. hiss when you crank the levels. Sounds awesome in stereo. I see 4 on ebay right now. Usually pricey.

The Alesis Nanoverb has a rotary sim that I like. Only 2 speeds that are not adjustable - very slow & a touch faster than I'd like. No way to switch speeds remotely that I've found, but then I haven't tried the remote switch when the unit is in rotary mode. I'll check it out & post back.
This unit is true stereo, so if you run it in mono the panning of the signal from left to right sounds like heavy compression on a single output. Very clean, no distortion.

My .02

Grace and peace,

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

King Solomon


H & K Rotosphere II is very cool/fun.  I haven't heard any analog simulations yet though that have fooled me.


The Alesis bypass switch just turns the effect(s) on or off. So, to change the rotary sim speed, you have to turn the knob. It's not a performance unit.

The Korg definitely has a mid boost to it with rolled off highs, helps give it a more vintage vib. The Alesis is very transparent.

I don't play through the Korg enough, I had a blast with it tonight.  ;D

Grace and peace,

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

King Solomon