Solution for a Bad Stone that wouldn't oscillate

Started by Sir H C, February 17, 2006, 05:55:44 PM

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Sir H C

So after a bunch of close but no cigars, I got the bad stone that would not oscillate to seem to work right repeatedly.

Solution?  Add a capacitor on the 1/2 voltage line to the top rail.  Seems that the cap to ground was causing the pedal to find a stable operating point with nearly no voltage on that node, adding the top cap made this a capacitive divider so that the voltage ramps up much faster (before it was the charge time for the top resistor).  Knock on wood, it will keep working.



Analogue Signal Processing

Sir H C

If you look at the schematics you will see the two resistors from V+ to ground (think they are 10k each) with a large 100uF capacitor to ground dangling there.  The point with the 100uF is the 1/2 voltage point in question.  That huge cap takes a while to charge and the circuit gets caught in an operating point that it shouldn't be in (with the 4049/09 reverse biased) and stays there.  The other cap gets this kicking faster.