Phase 45 vero layout/ with JC mods switch help needed!

Started by finkfloyd, February 02, 2006, 06:12:30 PM

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Hi, just spent 4 hours building this beauty, everything is put together except for the led, and phase/univibe mod switch.

Can I use a 3dpt foot switch for this, and which way would it be wired?

I also havent matched the JFET's yet, I will look into that later. I also socketed the 2 IC's and 2 trannies just incase.

Thanks in advance!


well ive just wired it up, and something is definately wrong everything on the board, pots wired ok, I think it is the switched for the on/off switch, I used standard true bypass method but omiting the first column of lugs on a 3pdt switch .

Im getting weird sounding whitenoise, and screaming, Led stays on , does not blink, the sound is reminescent of an old sinclair zx spectrum spectrum loading up something. sounds like a motorboat when turning the mix knob

Any idea whats wrong here?


tiges_ tendres

Quote from: finkfloyd on February 02, 2006, 08:09:16 PM

the sound is reminescent of an old sinclair zx spectrum spectrum loading up something.

Sounds great! post a schem of that so we can all play manic miner and jet set willy with our stompboxes.

I dont think you are supposed to omit the first column of polls on the switch, perhaps you could post a picture of the wires and when they go from and to?
Try a little tenderness.


Hi, heres a pic, I must admit im quite new to this, and switch wiring isnt my favourite part about building, so this is probably the problem, heres a pic

EDIT: I have tried cutting along the strips on the veroboard to make sure nothing is touching, swapping IC's , changing the 2N5458's, i believe the bypass switching is correct, but i dont know if the vibe mod switch is correct.

The only thing I have done different on this board was use 1 metal film resistor for R24 (2K4) and use a 3M3 instead of (R18)3M9 as I didnt have a 3M9.

Update : forgot to add a jumper by the 2 polar caps, 150k resistor next to this was blown, replaced & LED still not blinking, effect not working still, motorboating gone, unless switch wires are joined together which is a lot queiter now....

All resistors now check in OK, measured all with DMM all are ok, some 10ks, are reading only 5k, but surely this thing should fire up....


Come on give me a break someone must know ; :icon_question:

I've searched the forum and read and researched everything I can to the best of my ability.


Got the LED working, and a distinct phasing, but sounds like siren....rather doorbell sounding, I give up, it has defeated me. this is not how it should sound, i dont have any guitar signal...

A word to others who build this, be prepared to build it again, and dont expect much help, other than the text found already on this forum...