tantalum important to red llama build?

Started by vacuumdust, February 04, 2006, 07:23:51 AM

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I'm planning on building the red llama from Marty B's layout. (thanks Marty).  I'll probably use an elecrolytic for the 10uf.  I think the original called for a tantalum there.  Does it really matter that much?   Any other tips on this particular project would be appreciated.  THANKS

hank reynolds 3rd

i don't think it matters that much.. the only time i've seen tantalums mentioned is in regards to them being more compact ...




Caps are cheap.
  Buy a bunch of different ones when you make your orders.
  I think this is the best way to learn about caps.

  People post stuff, how do you know it is true? did they do the tests or are they repeating something they read or heard you don't know.

Test them yourself.  I pick different caps for different parts of circuits type and brand and voltage.

What someone likes for hifi might not be what you want for an effect.

After a few weeks to years of tests you may learn what you need to know

you can min or max the "sound" of a cap by how you use/misuse  it.

There are measurements that can sometimes explain the differences  people hear.

If you are only changing one at a time a switch can be helpful

Google Marsh, Jung, caps etc there is some good stuff on the web.

Caps are cheap. DIY

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

The only time I found (in an effect) that I had to use a tant, was in an envelope follower where I needed a high value of cap and LOW leakage. The aluminium electros I had, all had too much leakage, so I couldn't get the R x C value high enough. At least that time, the tant saved me.


well I guess you could use a tant if you want the original Way Huge mojo.



In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.



I did mean my post in a very postive way this site does have DIY in the title.  Caps are often not a lot of money so if someone DIYs an effect the added cost is not much to add a few more caps to the order.

I still chuckle when I read about CC resistors.  Your writeup with the voltage caused changes has sciece behind it.  It is where it is used that counts.

I know I can be tricking myself with caps sometimes. But certain ceramics at certain places in circuits do seem to be heard as well as other cap types.

Electros in most effects are used right because the single supply restiction  often causes a forming voltage to be used with the electros and differences can be at the min.

Caps are not "magic" CC resistor are not "magic" you can make measurements that do seem to "track" what people hear

For the new builders asking on the web what cap is best is hard to answer.  FWIW someone I know with a nice studio that does there own work sometimes uses caps that I would not use.  It turned out the ESR in the cap they used was about X2 what would use:however at the output stage of a line amp there does seem to be a difference in sound even if the other specs are very close (value,DA,leakage) it is often at 600 ohms so stuff that does not matter at 10K starts to matter a little.

Some people state there are not differences Other state big differeces.  I like to test stuff.  I think it is how the parts are used.

I also remember the nonlinear wha inductor stuff that was measuremnts and science IMO.