Looking for 100 hFE Si transistors

Started by warioblast, February 03, 2006, 09:15:37 PM

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What Si transistors (NPN & PNP) are more likely to be 100 hFE ?


  That's funny, me too. I rebuilt a FF that was 'tore down' missing this and that, to Axis Face 3 specs...couldn't find the other 2369's ahkk...sounds Roughk  ??? I know that it'll rock when I get the right gain compliments in there 8).
  I think you want to try some 2n2369's, or NTE123/[too bad there isn't reverse crossref on the NTE site...HA], 2n4401's sometimes measure low like that...uh...
  You could take a look at piggybacking 2 higher gain Q's and tuning them to a lower Hfe...where is that...could be Marcos Munky has a Rangepig you could look at.
  I did a Darlingpig schematic, a redraw of that might be there...for use with a lower than optimal gain Ge for Rangemaster type thang. Thing to remember on that one, if the leakage is high that noise is then amplified.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


2N2222's will get you in the ballpark. 


2N3904 are pretty low gain. Also BC549A have a minimun of 110 on the datasheet (same 547A and 548A be sure the sufix is 'A' as that indicates the Hfe range)

The real Hfe will vary from the datasheet, so if you want exact 100 you will have to buy a bunch and measure them. The measure should be made at the collector current  you will use, as the gain varies according that.


Eramos tan pobres!


I bought 10 and they are all about hfe=100.
Also try 2N2219.

mac@mac-pc:~$ sudo apt install ECC83 EL84



If you can go with the DMM to the electronic shop and try to measure before you buy ;)
Eramos tan pobres!


just about every 2n3903 ive tested (i have about 350 of 'em !) has been in the 100-125 hfe range....the 2n3904's tend to be a bit higher, and the 2n2369's a bit lower, at least in my experience....



Quote from: bioroids on February 04, 2006, 07:33:15 AM
2N3904 are pretty low gain.
All the 2N3904's that I've used were 240+!

2N2369's and BD-135-10's; those hover around hFE 100. (note the 10-suffix of the BD-135. There's also the BD-135-16, which is higher gain)
The 2N2369 has become one of my favourite Si trannies, for Fuzz Face-ish circuits.
I also have 2N3114's, quite a bit bigger, but lower hFE's. Around 55-85.
Meanwhile @ TGP:
"I was especially put off by the religious banterings written inside the LDO pedal. I guess he felt it was necessary to thank God that someone payed $389 for his tubescreamer!"

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

I just had a bit of trouble, because some 100 or so Hfe 3904s got mixed with some 250 Hfe ones.... the circuit didn't call for precise matching, but 2.5 to 1 was a bit far..... generally, the lots from particular batches were fairly close to each other. I shouldn't have consolidted what was left :icon_mad:


I vote for 2N2369's, great for Q1 in an Si "FF"  :D
2N3903  ? ...... I've never had any .. :icon_wink:

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
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Quote from: MartyMart on February 07, 2006, 08:47:26 AM
I vote for 2N2369's, great for Q1 in an Si "FF"  :D

Try a 2n3114 (hFE around75-85) for Q1 and a 2N2369 (hFE around 105-115) for Q2! Ideal hFE's for the typical Ge trannies in a FF circuit,
and with some 47pF or 100pF caps from C to B, it sounds rather Ge-ish too.  ;)
Meanwhile @ TGP:
"I was especially put off by the religious banterings written inside the LDO pedal. I guess he felt it was necessary to thank God that someone payed $389 for his tubescreamer!"