partial parts list: guitar leeman

Started by guitarleeman, February 08, 2006, 02:04:25 PM

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Hey, this is guitarleeman.I decided to mention some of the parts I have because cold weather has been preventing me to make inventory list.Hopefully it will warm up sometimes soon.Anyway,some of the parts are,tube sockets,tubes,carbon comp resistors,antique capacitors,germanium transistors,silicon transistors,transformers(a few),antique lamp holders,PC Board material,some (as is vintage test equipment,vintage and new knobs and potentiometers,etc,etc,.When the weather warms up,I will compile complete inventory list and include address to mail to.


I PMed you recently about this.
I'm interested in those germanium trannies.
What do you have (part numbers)? How much and have they been tested at all?

Many thanks, Toney.