JFET selection for Tilman's FET Preamp Cable

Started by gaussmarkov, February 23, 2006, 11:23:39 PM

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on Tillman's FET Preamp Cable page, he says

QuoteDue to FET manufacturing consistancy issues and power supply limitations, the FET needs to be hand selected for the best performance from this circuit.  I recommend building up a breadboard version of the circuit and substituting FETs until the voltage at the drain is closest to 6.0 volts.

further down, he also says

QuoteIf I were to build another batch of Preamp Cables I would make some improvements.

    * Use an even lower noise FET.
    * For more headroom, run the Phantom Power box at 18 Volts instead of 9 Volts, and optimize the FET circuit for that voltage.
    * Use an FET differential amp to reduce hum and noise and also be more compatible with the AES XLR spec.

i have found discussions about JFET variability and matching, but little about JFET selection.  R.G. has some excellent JFET info on geofex.com.  fairchild has a big table comparing JFETs but i have been unable to figure out how to map the characteristics shown into a characteristic like "low noise."

any help appreciated, gm


I think most people would want the drain to be more like half the supply voltage  (ie 4.5V).  I would go for a J201.  High conductance, low noise.
Brett Robinson
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