Expandora opto datasheet (link)

Started by Paul Perry (Frostwave), March 02, 2006, 06:13:17 AM

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Paul Perry (Frostwave)


OK, you won't be able to buy this PC419 at your local store (or anywhere else probably) but, you can see it is just a fet + ldr type, so maybe someone can find an equivalent that has closely matching curves. There is an interesting kink in the resistance vs diode current curve. I don't know wha tthe Expandora has going for it (apart from a fabulous name!!) because, I have never seen one. but at least there is a chance to clone it now, maybe.

hank reynolds 3rd

I put some links up for a clone of this (had a few errors tho, duh!!!)
Zero the Hero has kindly helped along the way (i hand draw layouts, although i'm stepping into the PnP/computer layout world from now!!!far quicker)...
For now, i'm using and led/ldr and it seems to work ok,and that forbidden setting is cool (kinda like a more unstable version of the last setting of the great cheddar/big cheese)...
I checked the PC419 against a H11f1 ,and the specs seem close, so I'm going to get some from Banzai when I've got the funds.
As for the sound, it doesn't give you loads of sustain, and is very responsive to picking, the notes die out at the same-ish rate of your guitar (I noticed the led goes dark/off ,when your picking,then begins to lighten as you stop,die out etc)...
It's small enough to fit into those hammond BB size boxes (another for the banzai list, well ,the 125b ones anyways!!)
