3 Build Reports - Small Clone, Russian Big Muff, Bad Stone

Started by lowstar, March 29, 2006, 10:50:48 AM

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hi everybody,
3 more finished builds.  ;D
they all fired up right away, my error rate has dwindled to zero since i went from vero to pcb´s.
the small clone was done using the tonepad layout. no probs. used reverse pot for rate, included depth pot. sounds nice.
the russian muff, same thing. i still have to box it up though to see how it sounds with bass (only have a guitar in my lab)
the bad stone, interesting build. first i thought it was not working right cause there was a volume drop when engaged, but effect itself works perfectly and sounds good, so i searched on this forum and found out that this seems to be inherent in the design. i tried the workaround with changing the resistor of the first op-amp, but found that it would only get close to unity gain, but not all the way, and distortion would be introduced, so i popped the original 4k7 back in. i think when i box it up, i´ll use a linear booster stage after the circuit to compensate. for the rate pot, i found a 1mlog poti gave nice distribution if i reversed the connexions. btw, i used all "original" values for the ic´s, lm324, 4009 and 4x4558 (some people had trouble geting the lfo to work). the trannie i used was 5088, and i also used the tant cap.

thanks to everybody that provides these layouts and useful info on this board.

on to the neutron, brass blaster and ??? probably the dimension c from topopiccione !

effects built counter: stopped counting at 100


EDIT: make that 4 - i forgot i did the big cheese too ! (i´m kinda loosing track lately)
this one´s already boxed up. i like it very much on guitar, for bass it´s only useable in the "frankenstein" position imho, giving a very interesting synth tone.

effects built counter: stopped counting at 100

Zero the hero

Good job!  ;)
Thanks for the useful infos about the Bad Stone!


Great progress, congrats on the four new boxes.

I am suffering from the same disease right now--I spend all my free time building pedals and can't wait to get to the next one :)


Yeah, whats this about the bad stone? One of these days the oscillator on mine is going to work, even if I have to make "vigorous technical adjustments" to it  :icon_biggrin: