POG/HOG : splitting the octaves ?

Started by NoFi, March 30, 2006, 06:55:56 PM

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So do those pedals have an analog mixer or is it all done digitally ?
If it's all digital, would it be possible to filter the output to separate the octave down from the octaves up (crossover ?) ?
Please dont tell me i'll have to buy several of those EH things !  :icon_twisted:

I found this about crossovers

Is the harmonic content more important on the low side or on the high side ?
I was imagining myself distorting the lower octave and keeping the high octaves quite clean, with mod/delays and such.
What do you think ?


Yeah, I think you could certainly do that if you build a crossover. 


I think the POH is all-digital, and no, it won't work, not unless you have a crossover with a very steep slope/cutoff and also one that adjusts the cross-over frequency with each (single) note you play.


Thanks. Now i think of it,  you are right, since the guitar has a range of nearly 4 octaves from E1 to near E5 (and more if special tunings are used), the highest suboctave, and lowest up octave "overlap". So a fixed crossover wouldn't really split the octaves but somehow i guess it would probably get me close to what i want.
I was also thinking of splitting the effect's output and using two graphic equalizers, cutting the bass on one side and cutting the highs on the other... is that a better approach than the active crossover ?
I'm really in a love and hate relation with EH, they come up with interesting effects but never exactly how i would want them lol.


Taking another look at the pedal - can you open yours up and take some pictures of it? If the sliders on the front act in the analog domain (i.e. as mixing controls), then - yes - it would be possible to tap-off those signals and present them as separate outputs. However if they merely act as digital inputs to a uC, then no, it still won't work. Note - this is assuming you own one, at least, already ....  ;D


The reason i'm asking the question is because I don't own one...yet. It's scheduled for sometime in april. :icon_mrgreen: I was already oiling the drill bits lol, assuming those pedals had an analog mixer section, and i was prepared to tap each octave at the faders. But i did a search on the forum, and now i have doubts as i found a thread where puretube seems to think it is taken care of digitally. So has anyone peeked inside the box ? :icon_eek:
If the "mixing" is digital that will let me some time to come up with some sort of a solution.  :icon_idea: :icon_exclaim:

Mark Hammer

If there are mixer level controls for each of the different voices (which there are), then there is a reasonably good chance that they all arrive at an analog mixing stage.  In which case, they should be splittable to separate outputs, though that would not necessarily be as simple as running the the wiper output of each pot to a separate jack.

The P.O.G. is a very impressive unit, sonically, tracking-wise, and feature-wise.  It's also no small chunk of change.  If *I* had one, I think I'd do my sonic voodoo on something a little less costly and risky.


Quote from: Mark Hammer on March 31, 2006, 09:31:10 AM
If there are mixer level controls for each of the different voices (which there are), then there is a reasonably good chance that they all arrive at an analog mixing stage.  In which case, they should be splittable to separate outputs, though that would not necessarily be as simple as running the the wiper output of each pot to a separate jack.

The P.O.G. is a very impressive unit, sonically, tracking-wise, and feature-wise.  It's also no small chunk of change.  If *I* had one, I think I'd do my sonic voodoo on something a little less costly and risky.

I agree. 

I'd just put a crossover afterwards.  It won't exactly divide the octaves, but it would do good enough. 


I hear you Mark but it will be hard for me not to mess with it.
If no one knows for sure i guess i'll have to ...buy one... and find out by myself.  :)