not the ususal LED indicator question!

Started by delbowski, March 31, 2006, 06:17:19 PM

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i'm trying to go about a project making a true bypass strip with four loops in it (4 switches).  i also want to make it so that i can insert other pedals (already true bypass) into the signal chain between each switch of the bypass strip.  i have that all figured out, but i would like to make it so that when i insert other pedals into the chain an LED will light up to show where in the chain i have a pedal inserted.  so, how can i wire this so that the an LED will light up when i plug a cable into a jack?  i'm using NC mono jacks for this part of the design as well as an adaptor as opposed to battery.  this seems really simple, so hopefully im overlooking something easy.  i want to plug a cable into the 1/4" jack and make it turn an LED on.  my searches have come up empty... any help would be great!  i can always use a humbling experience... :icon_redface:


Oh, c'mon - that's an easy one.

You make one jack of each loop be a stereo jack, then hook and LED/resistor up from +9V to the ring terminal. That way a mono jack plugged in shorts the LED to ground and makes the LED come on.

That's the first order version. It will make a HORRIBLE pop as you put in a plug if you do this live. The second order version cold switches the LED by using a PNP transistor to turn on power to the LED/resistor by using the stereo jack trick to ground a 10K resistor on the base of the PNP. It still pops, but not as badly.

There are other ways as well, including jacks with switches.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


thanks R.G.

i'll consider myself humbled...  :icon_wink: if overlooking the obvious paid any money, i'd be a millionaire!  thanks!



Humbled? Not at all - you'd have figured it out, and in not very long. That's why I said "Oh c'mon...".

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


yeah i think i would have gotten it sooner or later.  i knew that i had to get the LED to ground when i plugged the 1/4" in, but i was stuck in the mindframe of "mono jack, mono jack, mono jack!"  i think i'm gonna use your first suggestion, as i will have everything set up before i turn my amp on.  thanks again!  i really appreciate it.  :)
