feedback loop problem....

Started by vigorandkandor, November 13, 2005, 02:57:04 PM

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i built a feedback loop using this diagram:

now the pot acts as a volume when the loop is bypassed. has anyone else had this problem? or is thia how its sappose to work?


what does a feedback loop do? (just


If you wired it as per the diagram, then it is a true bypass box with a twist. I suspect you need to check which socket is which. It sounds like your plugging the cord that goes to your amp into the send socket or something like that.
Shoot straight you bastards. Don't make a mess of it. -Last words of Breaker Morant


if i pluged my am into the send then would it not get bypassed when i push the foot switch? the loop get bypassed with i engage the footswitch and my signal goes through just fine except the pot works as a volume to the circuit. the pot, form my understanding, should only work when i have the loop engaged and it should act as a feddback control, not as volume.


Quote from: vigorandkandor on November 13, 2005, 04:05:36 PM
makes noise. LOTS of noise.

go here to read about things it can do:

go here to hear clips:

haha i figured.....sounds like something i'd like....
that thing sounds really creepy


The middle lug of the Feedback I/0 (orange wire) should wire to the return lug of the stompswitch (blue wire).

Hope that helps.


I use the mixer section on my old 4 track for feedback looping. guitar->channel 1 input->effects send->(effects)->channel 2 input->monitor out or main out->amp. Now you control the amount of feedback craziness with the relative volume of the channels and the effect sends on both channels. You can even omit the guitar and still get some good noise, if that's your bag.


yeah i got it all worked out. heres what it should look like.

thanks for all you guys help. sorry about the poor line i drew. i am on a laptop with no mouse and i just free handed it.


I used a 250K pot, might this reduce overall volume of the feedback?