modified my metal zone mt-2

Started by pvieytes, March 31, 2006, 03:24:47 AM

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I would like modified my boss metal zone.
anybody knows any modification?
I listen a  Indy Guitarist  Bogner mod. and i would like do this with my mt-2.
any body can help me?

Sorry for my english


We sure can. The FIRST thing you'll need to do is pay for it. Go to and paypal me $12 or sign up for the newsletter and download all the mods, the "how to modify effects" guide, the videos and everything else for $25.

Please understand that this is how I feed my family, I do not wish for the modifications that I've detailed to become public (if at all possible).

Thanks for understanding-
Brian @

( muy bueno!  :icon_lol: )
Nosotros seguro puede. La PRIMERA cosa que usted se deberá hacer es paga por lo. Vaya a y el paypalme $12 o se inscribe para el boletín y descarga todas las modulaciones, el "cómo modificar los efectos" la guía, los videos y todo más para $25.

Entienda por favor que esto es cómo alimenta mi familia, yo no deseo para las modificaciones que he detallado para llegar a ser el público (si en todo posible).

Da las gracias para entender-
Brian @


ok :icon_cry:

Any body knows other modifications??

Please send me ;)


sorry for my english



What do you want exactly? what are you seeking? Any tone reference?

Nuno Caldeira

PS - I highly recomend supporting people on this forum, like wampcat1. I don´t know his work but check his web site and see what he has there that you want. I believe after you buy something, he could help you more if you need ;) .


i dont like the mid frecuencies.

Sorry for my english