Help with Tonebender smooth/bias pot

Started by lacto, April 05, 2006, 07:07:08 PM

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I'm getting together all the stuff to make a Tonebender MKII Pro using the layout on FuzzCentral. I want to add a smooth
pot or bias pot as some call it like Fulltone uses and like Philip recommends for the Axis Face Germanium  Not exactly sure how to wire it in the circuit and would appreciate some help with it. It says to wire the pot with lug 1 to the input and lug 2 (the wiper) to the base
of Q1. On the Axis Face Germanium layout it has an extra input pad which is for lug 1 of the pot and another pad and trace to the
positive end of the input cap which then goes to the base of Q1 for lug 2 of the pot.  I guess I am just being stupid but do I do the
same for the Tonebender MKII Pro? I should add another input pad and a pad and trace to the positive side of the 5.0uf electro,
which is the input cap, for the other connection to the pot? Can anyone confirm this or set me straight if I am not on the right
track? Thank you much.


Anyone know how to add a smooth pot/bias pot into a Tonebender circuit, specifically the MKII Pro Tonebender?



are you using the fuzzcentral layout?

You would put the smooth pot at the input of the pedal.  I think you would run a wire from Lug 1 of the 50k-100k linear pot to the 1M/input on board, and run a wire from LUG 2 on the pot to right before the input CAP.  You could probably just add a pad and trace for those locations,...

Wait till someone else chimes in to confirm this though, I wouldn't want you to make your board like that and have me be wrong.  :icon_rolleyes:

hope this helps


I think like this.  I am not sure though, it is a simple mod, but I am confused now too. LOL

acutally i don't think that is right, I think you might put that pink line after the other electro on upper left corner of pic...


For anyone whose interested, the answer to this can be found right in the Technology of the Fuzzface.