Clean wall-wart?

Started by psiico, April 06, 2006, 12:06:44 AM

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I've seen the schematics for making your own filtered power supply but to be honest I'm terrified of AC.  It's not a rational fear, I got a bad shock as a child and ever since I've had this thing about electricity.  Remember in grade school putting your tongue on a 9volt or your finger over a piezo lighter?  I did each of those once, never again, I hated the feeling.

Anyway, I was wondering if there was a way to "fix" a wal-wart.  My idea is a box with whatever you need for the filtering in there.  You plug an ordinary wall-wart into one side of the box and there's jacks on the other side to go to your pedals.  Can this be done or is it too late to filter the signal after it comes out of the jack end of the wall-wart?

And by the way, why wall-wart?  Where did that name come from, the wart part I mean.  The wall is obvious.


QuoteAnyway, I was wondering if there was a way to "fix" a wal-wart.  My idea is a box with whatever you need for the filtering in there.  You plug an ordinary wall-wart into one side of the box and there's jacks on the other side to go to your pedals.  Can this be done or is it too late to filter the signal after it comes out of the jack end of the wall-wart?
Sure. Simple, mostly. Put into your secondary filter box a 1000uF/25Vdc electrolytic capacitor, a 7809 three terminal regulator, and a 10uF cap on the outside of the regulator. As a bit of protection use a 1A silicon rectifer from the output to the input to protect the regulator in unusual circumstances. Use a wall wart that puts out over 11Vdc.

The "mostly" is that the wall wart needs not to leak line voltage AC in.

QuoteAnd by the way, why wall-wart?  Where did that name come from, the wart part I mean.  The wall is obvious.
They resemble unsightly tumorous growths on walls. Hence "wart".

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.

343 Salty Beans

Quote from: psiico on April 06, 2006, 12:06:44 AM
The wall is obvious.

Unless it's on a power strip. Then it's a strip wart. which really sounds like an STD for an exotic dancer.

Quote from: psiico on April 06, 2006, 12:06:44 AM
Remember in grade school putting your tongue on a 9volt...?

For an odd reason, I almost enjoy that feeling. is that wrong?


It's wrong to me!  I get shudders just thinking about it. :icon_frown:


Look at this thread in the lounge where Mark Hammer (as allways) has some good advice:


"Rick, your work is almost disgusting, it's so beautiful.  Meaning: it's so darned pretty that when I look at my own stuff, it makes me want to puke my guts out."


Here is my article about this subject:

regards, Jack