Need a Jfet from Maplin for a Ruby Amp

Started by DryRoasted, April 04, 2006, 06:00:21 PM

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My GF is doing a Maplin run for me tomorrow to get a few essentials, and I fancy having a go at a Ruby amp (Sorta rites-of-passage-kinda-thing ya know) and I needa Jfet, if anyone would be good enough to let me know which of the available maplins Jfets is suitable/best sounding I'd be real grateful.  The ROG schematic says a MPF102 but I'm not sure of a replacement.  Heres the url :

Sticking a tube into a tube screamer to get good sound is about like rubbing yourself all over the weight stacks at the gym to get stronger - R.G.

hank reynolds 3rd

The only ones (Jfet) I can see is the 2N3819 or the BF245C ...the others are SMD (really really small,surface mounted component) ....
not sure of the spec,but I'd go with the 3819,I put this in a Rat circuit instead of the suggested one and it worked okay until I replaced it....



Cheers bud, I'll one of each and give em botha test drive
Sticking a tube into a tube screamer to get good sound is about like rubbing yourself all over the weight stacks at the gym to get stronger - R.G.

hank reynolds 3rd

try looking up the Vgscutoff in the spec sheets too

And make sure she checks they're the right fets/markings,as Maplin's staff are cack at the best of times ,and they'll probably panic/freakout as it's a girl asking for stuff !!!   ;D


lol, she likes to torture shop staff so shes well versed in freaking out spotty maplins plebs. 
Sticking a tube into a tube screamer to get good sound is about like rubbing yourself all over the weight stacks at the gym to get stronger - R.G.


If you want PM me your address and I can hook you up with a couple of MPF102s.  I've got loads of them, got a job lot off eBay a while back.  :)


I've tried the 2N3819's repeatedly as they're the only Jfet's maplin sell now. The only thing i've found them useful for are FF's and Millenium circuits. They don't work for Phase 45's, Shaka's or the EA trem as far as I know.
Big man, i'd be interested in a few of those MPF102's if the price is right ;)