need skyripper fix

Started by goosonique, May 09, 2006, 05:30:45 AM

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...have been looking at all the rave on skyripper by Mr. Gagan. .. need that fix I LURVE FUZZ that goes Freaky :icon_wink:
Does anyone have a ready pcb+layout that i can use please.
Thanks tha muchly in advance.

<((one man with courage makes a majority))>

LP Hovercraft

When I built mine, I used a Rangemaster PCB drawing side-by-side with a Fuzzface's.  Then I improvised the rest (buffer, effects loop).  I used perfboard construction, though.   


If you do a carefull search in here, you'll probably find a link to a layout+pcb in powerpoint format.

John Lyons

I can send it to you. Just email me.

basicaudiowv AT earthlink DOT net
Basic Audio Pedals


I emailed Joe Gagan the other day to ask about this, and Joe told me that the version I have is ok.  He said the layout on slide one has been built and verified by Bill Bergman.  The schematic on slide 3 is good, but Joe now recommends a more conventional true-bypass switching arrangement that will remove the buffer completely out of circuit in bypass mode.  Joe had no specific comments about the diagrams on slides 2 (switches) and 4 (frying-pan enclosure layout).


 Yes! i did do tha search and found Skreddy's slide but was able to download it ... :-[
I was abt to use the perf layout as guide for pcb layout till u guys showed up ...thanks heaps people  :icon_smile:
OH MY thid gonna be one nice build .... have to go look for a skillet .. metal bowl ...wicked !
<((one man with courage makes a majority))>


I went to my music store today and there's a Dino on the shelf....way to go Joe!!