Reissue Dynacomp Layout

Started by cleanroom, April 05, 2006, 06:57:40 PM

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Does anyone have a MXR reissue Dynacomp top picture without the pots or a parts layout for the reissue?  I got one in for repair that is missing a few things.  Thanks


found this once but it didn't help me too much.  I don't think that layout is anything close to the revision D (I believe) boards. 
builds completed: boutique fuzz, rangemaster, BSIAB2, PT-80, Tonepad wah, Ross Comp, Axis Fuzz, MOSFET boost, Thunderchief, Big Muff (triangle), Mr. EQ, Dr. Boogey,  Neovibe, Dist+, EA Tremelo, ADA Flanger, RM Octavia
next build(s): ???


I'm thinking, since the current dunlop/mxr dyna comp is extremely similar if not identical to the the tonepad dyna/ross, you could use that layout for comparison. Check that layout compared to your repair subject and determine what's missing. No?


I don't believe the cap and resistor number identifiers match up.
builds completed: boutique fuzz, rangemaster, BSIAB2, PT-80, Tonepad wah, Ross Comp, Axis Fuzz, MOSFET boost, Thunderchief, Big Muff (triangle), Mr. EQ, Dr. Boogey,  Neovibe, Dist+, EA Tremelo, ADA Flanger, RM Octavia
next build(s): ???