BBDs and old video games...?

Started by Toney, May 27, 2006, 12:10:57 AM

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I  was reading through Analog Mike's book and he made reference to BBd's being used in some old video games.
Anyone got any info on this?
Time to tear apart the old Nintedo? Pong?  ;D


You can research the architecture of virtually every game console at wikipedia. I doubt you will find any chips that are worth more than the consoles themselves, and you may risk attacks by secret videogame loyal ninjas.

Kerry M


Ha heh ha..  :icon_lol:

I'll look into that...hmmm wonder whats in the basement.


Really, don't hack up any old consoles. It would be kind of like yanking the 4558 from a Tubescreamer to build a clock radio ! :icon_wink:

Kerry M


Probably they meant some old coin-op games, possibly.  I think the Super NES might have had a dedicated digital reverb processor for ambient sounds, but I doubt its removable.


Yes, the coin-op Arkanoid uses a BBD device, most probably a MN3007.


I've tearing apart various old radio's that don't work etc...
Looking for old usable chips and all I've come with was ONE LM324.
I sometimes feel it just isn't worth it :icon_frown: