CV7112 in a Wah...

Started by alderbody, May 30, 2006, 07:43:21 AM

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I tried one of Aron's CV7112's in Q1. They should be a bit more Hfe for that position, but still they sound great.

Increasing Q1's gain (by reducing Re1) makes it punchier. (i use a trimmer for that)

The tone is more natural, more musical and less flat as from a Si transistor.

There used to be a BC109 in there, and my Q2 is a BC108.
btw, i use Mallory 150 caps, Fulltone and Banzai inductors (selectable) and a Fulltone pot.

I also made a pedal which is in fact a "parked wah", which i use for resonance.

I tried one CV7112 in there too and the result is quite rewarding.

This pedal has a variable gain and selectable range, plus of course the frequency control. here's a (blurry) pic:

With the ge tranny in there it has become more like a resonance-booster, which accompanied by a Wah into a TS style pedal gives a magic tone for a Strat in a BF amp. (Something like SRV's tone in Say What...)

Great transistors!

(and they work either with the dotted lead as C, or as E)(cool, huh?...)  :icon_mrgreen: