Biasing the input of a digital chip / Digital octave fuzz tuning...

Started by John Lyons, June 01, 2006, 11:30:43 PM

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John Lyons

With the DOF here, if you "bias" the input with a 1m pot (wiper to input pin 1 and outside lugs to ground and V+) you can get most of the gating to stop.

The sweet spot is pretty difficult to dial in as its a very small area of the pots travel, just the smallest incremental turn and you've lost it! Pretty much functions like a switch, on or off.

Can anyone sugest a place to look for info about this? Any sugestions how to better this arangement?
I'd like to be able to dial in the "bias" with a little more range on the pot.

Basic Audio Pedals

John Lyons

Basic Audio Pedals