A/B box - Looper, what do I need?

Started by Wild Zebra, June 02, 2006, 11:34:48 AM

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Wild Zebra


I've never messed with either of the above before and you'll probably say I deserve to have my guitars, amps and stompboxes confiscated after my question.  Anyway I did a little searching, but thought I'd make my own post.

   This is what I have and want to do:

I have a Roland JC-120, it has 2 channnels-
channel 1 has Hi/Lo inputs and standard Vol, tr, bass, mid.
channel 2 has Hi/Lo inputs and Vol, tr, bass, mid + effects

most of you know this, Just say I want 2 seperate effects chains one to CH 1 and one to Ch 2.  What do I need?

Hypothetical guitar setup:
I figure, from guitar "to said box" one chain fuzz, phase and delay to channel one.  Then out of said box to guitar synth, delay to channel 2.

With an A/B box could I have both on at once?  What about switching between them?  I'd like the option of both.  One push Switch from 1 to 2 or be able to switch one on while the other is already on.

Thanks, some of this probably sounds alittle redundant, sorry
"your stripes are killer bro"


you could do an a/b type box with just on/off for channel a and on/off for channel b... if you put the switches somewhat close together stepping on both while one is on would be like switching between A and B (on/off) (off/on) and alternately you could just step on the side thats off for both... so long as you remember what your doing and don't turn 'em both off at once! could use 2 buffers to split the signal into 2 then have an output for each one with an on/off switch for each, channel a and b respectively...
(channel a)stomp both(channel b)stomp A(both)stomp both(silence) ? oops!
nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!

Wild Zebra

  I'd did a little tooling around.  I'm thinking I'm looking for a A/B/Y box.  Like bigman's passive A/B/Y switcher. 
http://aronnelson.com/gallery/TheBigMan-Layouts/abyled  right? A and B or A or B

Do all the ground connections get grounded to the Chassis of the box (probably a hammond)?

Thanks for the suggestion Quackzed that would work too.
"your stripes are killer bro"


kinda figured i was on some well worn ground there lol
yeah an a/b/y box sounds perfect and no (silence) setting.  ;D
nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!