bought an old ts-9... need info

Started by LoKi6922, June 03, 2006, 05:43:39 PM

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hey everyone!

its been a long time since my last post.. had a few computer troubles... and various other issues.

anyway, i was browsing my local pawn shop when i spotted a ts-9, in noticably old condition... and a price tag of 50 bucks... so i snapped it up.

it was missing the original ibanez back place with batter cover, and somebody screwed a boss cover onto it in its place. the circuit looks like mods were attempted *i haven't plugged it in yet to try it, i'm at my girlfriends house* and done with a sloppy hand.

the chip is a TA75558P and the board has mp-d01201B maxon KU stamped on it. the case also has 'maxon' cast into it under the foam.

i know maxon made the originals, and the thing looks all original, except for the odd soldered areas... but i'm wondering if maybe someone can lend some info to it. i'm thinking its an 84, but i don't know at this point.

i just hope it works when i finally get it plugged in!

pics to soon follow.. thanks everyone!



so it works! and sounds great... only 1 proiblem.

the circuit hasn't been modded, but it had been damaged *dropped* and a couple of makeshift joints were put in place to keep the thing going.

the problem though... is the switch.

i disconnected the red-white and black wires from the switch because depressing the switch wasn't activating the effect. when i touch the 2 wires together momentarily, the effect activates, and when i touch them again momentarily, it bypasses.

does anybody know anything about ibanez switches? like how to repair or replace it? i cant' even figure out how to get the thing out of there... any pics or info would be apprecaited.




oh and the chip sounds great. i know people dog on the 5558P but it really pushes the front end of my old 800 nicely. adds that extra fizzy harmonic that the smooth sounding 800 doesn't have normally.

compared head to head with my own sd-1/808 based 'LoKi-Drive' it sounds pretty good. not as smooth or as 'colored' as the LoKi-Drive but definately sounds good with the Marshall.

i'll still probably add a socket and try a few things. we'll see. if it ain't broke don't fix it! but it is broke...!!  :-[


The little contact switch in my TS-5 crapped out like that, too.  You just need a momentary switch to make it work.  I put my TS-5 in a new box and used a big Carling momentary, but you might be able to make one of the little tactile momentary switches from Small Bear work.  I know they sell the exact replacement for the TS-5 switch, not so sure about the TS-9, but you an probably hack something or I bet analogman can fix it.  Good luck and good find!


thanks for the reply! i'm sure i have a momentary switch here somewhere... i'd like to keep it mostly original if possible, but i'm not sure how to go about repairing the thing. i blew about half an hour today gently trying to remove the switch without further damaging it.

if anybody has done this before, let me know! i might wind up buying another cheapo ibanez stomp with the same case and drill holes and throwing the circuit in there, and painting it. who knows?

thanks again!
