Real Condors should do this, not ROG's

Started by Noplasticrobots, June 06, 2006, 03:41:34 PM

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I've got a Condor on the breadboard. Everything works great except whenI plug it in I get a quick (maybe .25 sec) squeal. The squeal doesn't happen until the plug gets all the way in and it starts high pitch and drops about an octave really quickly; sounds almost UglyFace-ish. I'd expect this from sticking a 1/4" plug into a real Condor but not ROG's.  ;D

Does it sound like I have something obvious wrong? Just checked my wiring and everything seems cool. However, there's no voltage posted at ROG for the JFET so I just tuned it by ear for now (using a 200k continous turn pot). I'd assume it's supposed to be half the supply voltage? Since it's on the breadboard I don't have a 1k pot on the gain, I just stuck a 50k on there because it's what I had laying around with wires soldered onto it. I'm using TL082 opamps but have some TL072s also. Besides that, I didn't substituted any parts. Any obvious suggestions?
I love the smell of solder in the morning.


  Temporary squealing with no real input, and changes pitch, makes me envision a cap supplying for a time...some 'juice' to whatever it is that causes a squeal.
  However, there's no voltage posted at ROG for the JFET so I just tuned it by ear for now (using a 200k continous turn pot). I'd assume it's supposed to be half the supply voltage?
  >>I guess 1/2v is what you want, but I can't see if it's again stage or whatever.
  Since it's on the breadboard I don't have a 1k pot on the gain, I just stuck a 50k on there

  >>That pot quite be 50X too big, again stage I can't see, and could have something to do with something.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Yeah, that pot being 50 times the called for value may have something to do with it...I'll solder it up with the right components and see if it's still a problem.
I love the smell of solder in the morning.


Just wired up the 1k gain pot and used a couple resistors to supply 4.7 volts to the source of the JFET. I still have the input squeal and now when I have the gain all the way up and hit the strings hard, I get a squelchy buzz that's unpleasant. I thought turning down the volume might help but it actually brought out the squelch more! Almost like it was attenuating the guitar signal! No components have intermittent contacts...all polarized caps are oriented correctly.

I did accidentally have pin 5 of U2 wired to Vref but I fixed that and now have next no output and when listened to through headphones I have a really high pitch tone that's barely audible.
I love the smell of solder in the morning.


Alrighty, I tore this thing apart and started over from scratch. I had an extra 100k resistor in the circuit somewhere and I don't know how or why it was in there. However, I still get the plug-in squeal andnow the gain pot doesn't work, except for very minimally. If the volume is dropped I get horrible buzz on the low strings. Does this sound like a shot tranny? I changed IC's to TL072's just to see how they'd fare but with the same results I'd assume something consistent is wrong.
I love the smell of solder in the morning.