looking for CLM6000 Clairex Spec sheet

Started by guitarleeman, June 18, 2006, 07:59:43 PM

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Hey,this is guitarleeman,Im looking for the spec sheet for the CLM6000 opto-isolator. I downloaded it somewhere a while back and lost it. Would like to find out where I can download it again. THANKS :icon_question:

Mike Burgundy

Google Clairex datasheet:


Admitedly it does use some non-english in navigation and titles and such, but if you don't let yourself be deterred by this it's actually an easy search.

Joe Viau

FYI, this unit and the Silonex NSL-32 are identical as far as I can tell, even down to rise / decay times and Ron / Roff.

EDIT: http://www.silonex.com/datasheets/specs/images/pdf/103708.pdf