Pye Compressor PCB maker

Started by trjones1, June 22, 2006, 12:34:47 AM

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I know this is a longshot, but here it goes.

A recording engineer friend of mine gave me a very nice pcb for a Pye Compressor clone that he wanted me to construct.  My old roommate ended up throwing it out in one of his maniacal cleaning bouts, and I would really like to try to find a replacement before I have to tell my friend that it's gone. 

According to my friend the pcb was made a few years ago by someone who was selling the constructed clones on ebay.  Apparently he also distributed a few pcb's around as well.  It was screen printed with through-plated holes and in general was just top notch.  It also came with instructions for putting everything together.  Does anyone happen to know who made the pcb, or if there are any projects online for a Pye compressor?  I'd really like to give my friend a working unit instead of the bad news.  Thanks.