Coloursound Tremolo help

Started by Gr3y, June 20, 2006, 09:31:23 AM

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hey guys!

i'm very new to electronics stuff but i'm very interested in trying to build my own pedals.So i saw the veroboard pic on the coloursound tremolo and decided to build 1.I went down to my local electronics store and start buying the parts.The lady there told me she don't have the 2n5088 transistor and said its replacable by the bc239 just that the collector n emitter pins are in swapped positions.So i bought it and tried but it didnt work.

Does anyone have the schematic of the coloursound tremolo? maybe that might help me on troubleshooting too? if anyone could help and solve it'll be great!

Thanks in advance guys!



hey guyz.. so sad no one even reply me something.. anyway i finally found and bought the 2n5088! but.. still it fail.. no sound at all.. can someone please help me out? thanks!
