Picking forumites minds for most blackface fender like circuit

Started by donald stringer, July 02, 2006, 08:28:11 AM

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donald stringer

I would like to know if there is there is a fender like circuit that exists[short of lxh fender sym] ? I know that one would work but I am looking for one that is  similiar with good vol. and not so high a parts count. The sound I am wanting , if anyone here has owned one is the blackface model on digitecs rp-100, 200, 300 series. Lots of vol. fat sound, little or no breakup when vol. is maxed. I need this for the second part of my red/green project. I am considering the new fetzer valve. What do you think?


I think this will get you close :

Has lots of "clean" volume, not too hard to build and you can add in a tone stack if required
but it sounds full and bright as is.
It's perhaps my favourite sim for "Clean" and "Just breaking up" use , nice spanky tone :D


Or, link me to a Blackface schem and I'll make a Jfet sim for one .... !

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donald stringer

Very well, I think that one will do. I have a classic thirty that I use through a 4-10" univox cabinet. I am going to skip the tone stack on this one.

donald stringer

I have decided to try and wrap up my red green project in my second stack. Its identical to the first but it sets underneath. In the first stack I am going to build an mosbooster to be first in the chain but bypassable with a dpdt. This can bypass the entire chain from input to output. I have an old sunamp switcher that will house the switches. In the second box Lastly in the chain will be variable state filter possibly ca-super tone. Allthough I have some lm3900 I may use and those arent a drop in replacement. I found a patentschematic on a four stage filter design used in arp synth since the seventy that utilize the lm3900. I may cop out and use the ca super tone since I am in the mood to build. Very last I have a function generator chip from smallbear [xr2206] then some mixer/blender circuits. I think that I have this figured out, as the inspiration and know how comes to me in small spirts.