Octavia transformer...

Started by rockgardenlove, June 29, 2006, 06:57:29 PM

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So on GGG(http://generalguitargadgets.com/bom/toctbm.txt) it says:
Quote1 - 3:1 impedance Interstage transformer
     Sec: 500 ohm
    (Mouser 42TM011 or 42TM022)
Layout is designed to fit the Mouser 42TM011 transformer, but the 42TU011 or 42TL011 will work also work.

Now Mouser doesn't have the 42TM011 transformer in stock, but Smallbear has the 42TM022 in stock(http://www.smallbearelec.com/Categories.bok?category=Transformers).

If I order the transformer from Small Bear, I take it the transformer won't fit the PCB.  Is there an alternate layout around here anywhere for different transformers?



Shouldn't all 42TMxx xfmrs be the same physical size??
just different windings??
There are 42TUxx series and 42TLxx series also.
I found the different series are different sizes.
Not *that* big a difference(sizewize), though.
I got all mine from Mouser.
I ordered several of each type, to experiment.....  :-\
TONE to the BONE says:  If youTHINK you got a GOOD deal:  you DID!


 :( mine was already ordered when they told me it was out of stock till August...guess the Octavia waits...
Breadboards are as invaluable as underwear - and also need changed... -R.G.


i got my transformer from SB and it's fine.

Floyd Pepper

Banazi in Germany also stocks the transformers http://www.banzaieffects.com/