Rackunit with delay++

Started by Sheriff, June 29, 2006, 03:35:33 PM

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Hello folks!
First post! ;)

I'm going to build a rackunit with 2 Delay circuits, 1 Chorus, integrated 230~AC/9Vdc PSU, and footcontrolled relayswitching. :D
Here is how I'm going to route the effects with relays. One relay for each effect, and one to switch the delays from serie-mode to parallell-mode.

First question: At least one of the delays is going to be the Rebote 2.5 delay from tonepad. Is the level pot controlling only the wet signal, or both?
I want to add a switch that kills the dry signal. Where do I want to kill the signal? Between IC2b pin 7 and resistor 24k?
A Wet/dry "mix" pot would be cool, but I don't think it would be necessary. Only a dry on/off switch.

I want to build the "Corrrral Chorus", also from tonepad.com, and I want to add a MIX control here, so I can adjust the amout dry- vs wetsignal. Anyone know how to do this? And how is the "Vibrato" mod working?

Do anyone know how much current these effects draws? How big should the PSU be? I need to have regulated 9V, and seperate 5V for the relays, switching and leds. Can I just couple one 7809 and a 7805 regulator in "parallell? If so, how?

Okay, that is more than three questions ;) but I know you guys(girls?) have som knowledge :p
(Excuse any bad english)

- Preben


1. level controls only the delay level. break the connection between pin 7 and pin 2 of the dual opamp to kill the dry signal

2. the place to look is almost the same. If you look at these effects there's a dual opamp that does buffering and mixing and there's the part of the circuit that does the "magic". R21 controls the amount of dry signal and r22 the effect.

3.don't really know

Cliff Schecht

I just finished an effect that includes both the Robote 2.5 delay and the Corral Chorus. Build them! You will not be dissapointed. The chorus is rich and is exactly what I've been looking for to stick in front of a smooth (Or not so smooth) overdrive and the delay has millions of badass possibilities.